
  • Thread.php


    Twine is a framework-agnostic, static-method focused wrapper class for easily manipulating strings in PHP. No more calling random functions with random arguments and hoping for the best. Instead, create a new Twine object, and manipulate the underlying string by chaining methods together in an elegant and fluent way.

  • Quarter.php


    Retrieve start and end dates for calendar or fiscal quarters for any year with ease! The package is an extension of the Period class from gtmassey/period which is used in the gtmassey/analytics package as well.

  • Period.php


    Create and manage date ranges and periods of time in PHP with ease! Using Carbon’s date time management, Period is a helper class that lets you create and access easy to manage chunks of time. Designed specifically to work with the gtmassey/laravel-analytics, the Period class is a flexible solution to managing date ranges in PHP.

  • GA4 Analytics for Laravel

    GA4 Analytics for Laravel

    Freek Van der Herten and the team at Spatie developed a package that lets Laravel developers access Google Analytics’s Universal Analytics API. This package is based on their package and lets Laravel developers access the new Google Analytics Data API (GA4).

  • Connect 5

    Connect 5

    Connect-Five Pick who goes first!   Congrats! You won! Tap or click here to play again. Bummer. You lost. Tap or click here to play again. Wow! It’s a tie! You Computer This project is an adaptation of a lab assignment from one of my Java programming classes. I converted the code from Java to…

  • Minesweeper


    Everyone remembers the Windows game “Minesweeper”, and I thought it would make for a fun vanilla Javascript, HTML, and CSS project, especially since I can get it to run on WordPress here without any additional plugins or scripts. Minesweeper Game Right click to flag a cell. Left click to reveal a cell. Right click to…

  • Date Dots

    Date Dots

    I am a fan of minimalist geometric art, and have been for years. I took extracurricular painting classes in college to explore acrylics, geometry, and color theory. I always liked the idea of merging technology with art as well. Augmented reality interactive canvases, audio enhanced images, and the like. While I paint much less now,…

  • Twilio Auth for Laravel

    Twilio Auth for Laravel

    In Development! Laravel comes shipped with a basic email and password authentication based system, and Twilio has a fantastic phone-based authentication system. This package is designed to replace the default Laravel authentication system with an SMS-only authenticated system. Users in the database will be identified by their phone number in e164 format, and they will…

  • Family Services Portal Family Services Portal

    The Early Childhood Education and Care Family Services Portal is an online tool for parents and families to find child care services, childhood development programs, early childhood education, and developmental delay intervention services. This tool, along with all services provided by the New Mexico Early Childhood Services Center, is free to use for all…