The ABC’s of DBs: Database Design and Content Management
Annual Society of Technical Communication Summit
Chicago, IL, 2022
Knowing how databases organize and structure information will help to better plan and design content authoring processes, organization, and data management for you and your team. Database Design and Relational Databases provide a powerful knowledge base and skill set for understanding and expanding your use of content management systems like WordPress and Joomla. Database Design and Data Relationships also provide a strong foundation for understanding the ins-and-outs of collaborative tools, information typing, and group authoring tools.
Universal and Intersectional Design: Exploring Web Navigation and Accessibility
Annual Society of Technical Communication Summit
Virtual, 2020
Web navigation, as a subsection of web design, is rooted partially in information architecture, computer science, and document design. Research into information architecture and web navigation has revealed four basic structures through which navigation can be achieved: hierarchical, linear or sequential navigation, organic or “webbed” navigation, and matrix navigation. Little research has been conducted on the intersection between the choice of these navigation structures, the accessibility, and the quality of the end user experience. In this session, I will provide a brief overview of a study I conducted on the intersection of usability, accessibility, and web navigation. The session will aim to build on the topic of web navigation and accessibility by opening a dialogue with participants about best practices in web design, user experience, and universal design
Takeaways include the following:
- How to approach web navigation from a universal design perspective by including diverse people in the design process from the beginning.
- How to use information architecture to guide the design and navigation of a website.
- The need for more research on the intersection of information architecture, navigation, and accessibility inform best practices in web design.
STEM Intersections: Exploring Self Narration and Shared Experiences
oSTEM National Conference
Houston, TX, 2018
Sometimes it’s hard to connect with people in different disciplines or fields, and sometimes it’s hard to communicate with people who don’t share your experiences. This session dives into how our unique stories, identities, and experiences can be shared through a variety of mediums as they intersect with STEM. The discussion will focus on bridging the gap between STEM and non-STEM fields to gain the confidence, comfort, and ability needed to share our identities and experiences. The biggest questions we will address are (1) how does being in STEM impact how others view us and (2) how do we, as queer people in STEM, use various mediums of communication to expand our communities in a healthy way.