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Linked Lists are where we start our journey in PHP Data Structures. Simply put, a linked list is data that is sequentially organized in which the start of the list (head) contains a reference to the next item (node) in the list. A one-way link like this (start to next, next to end) is called a singly linked list
. One way of thinking of it is a list of letters in a word. There is only one correct order to read the letters (nodes) in to form the word (list): start to finish.
Singly Linked List Principles

- A
consists ofnodes
- Each node contains a reference or
to the nextnode
in the list - Each node contains
- The first
is called thehead
- The last
in the list has a reference or pointer that isnull
Available Methods:
To make the most of the singly linked list, we want to have some useful methods available. I will implement the following methods:
– adds a node to the end of the listaddAt()
– adds a node at a given positionaddFirst()
– replaces the currenthead
with a new node and shifts the listdelete($data)
– removes all nodes with the given$data
– removes the first node from the listdeleteLast()
– removes the last node from the listdeleteAt()
– removes a node at a given positionlength()
– returns the number of nodes in the listget()
– gets the node at the end of the listgetAt()
– gets a node at a given position in the listtoArray()
– converts the list to a standard PHP array
Additionally, since the get()
method only returns the node, not necessarily the data in the node, we can define some methods on the Node
class, including methods for the next Data Structure, the Doubly Linked List:
– returns the data contained in the nodegetNext()
– returns the next node in the listgetPrev()
– returns true if the node is the last in the list, false otherwiseisStart()
– returns true if the given node is the first in a structureisEnd()
– returns true if the given node is the last in a structure
LinkedList Class
namespace DataStructures;
use OutOfBoundsException;
* LinkedList
class LinkedList
public Node|null $head;
* LinkedList default constructor
public function __construct()
$this->head = null;
* Add a new node with $data to the end of the list
* @param $data
public function add($data): void
$node = new Node($data);
if ($this->head == null) {
$this->head = $node;
} else {
$current = $this->head;
while ($current->next != null) {
$current = $current->next;
$current->next = $node;
* Add a new node with $data at a specific position
* @param $position
* @param $data
* @return void
public function addAt($position, $data): void
$node = new Node($data);
$current = $this->head;
$previous = null;
$i = 0;
if ($position == 0) {
$node->next = $this->head;
$this->head = $node;
} else {
while ($i < $position) {
$previous = $current;
$current = $current->next;
$node->next = $current;
$previous->next = $node;
* Add a node with $data at the beginning of the list
* @param $data
* @return void
public function addFirst($data): void
$node = new Node($data);
if ($this->head != null) {
$node->next = $this->head;
$this->head = $node;
* Remove the last node from the list
* @param $data
* @return void
public function delete($data): void
$current = $this->head;
$previous = null;
while ($current != null) {
if ($current->data == $data) {
if ($previous == null) {
$this->head = $current->next;
} else {
$previous->next = $current->next;
$previous = $current;
$current = $current->next;
* remove the last node from the list
public function deleteLast(): void
$current = $this->head;
$previous = null;
while ($current->next != null) {
$previous = $current;
$current = $current->next;
$previous->next = null;
* Remove the first node from the list
* @return void
public function deleteFirst(): void
$this->head = $this->head->next;
* Remove a node at a given position
* @param $position
* @return void
* @throws OutOfBoundsException
public function deleteAt($position): void
if ($position > $this->length() - 1 || $position < 0) {
throw new OutOfBoundsException("$position is out of bounds");
} else {
$current = $this->head;
$previous = null;
$i = 0;
while ($current != null) {
if ($i == $position) {
if ($previous == null) {
$this->head = $current->next;
} else {
$previous->next = $current->next;
$previous = $current;
$current = $current->next;
* returns the length of the list as an int
* @return int
public function length(): int
$current = $this->head;
$length = 0;
while ($current != null) {
$current = $current->next;
return $length;
* Gets the head node of the list
* @return Node
public function get(): Node
return $this->head;
* returns the node at a given position
* @param $position
* @return Node|null
* @throws OutOfBoundsException
public function getAt($position): Node|null
if ($position > $this->length() - 1 || $position < 0) {
throw new OutOfBoundsException("$position is out of bounds");
} else {
$current = $this->head;
$i = 0;
while ($current != null) {
if ($i == $position) {
return $current;
$current = $current->next;
return null;
* returns the linked list as a standard array
* @return array
public function toArray(): array
$array = [];
$current = $this->head;
while ($current != null) {
$array[] = $current->data;
$current = $current->next;
return $array;
* Clears all nodes from the list
* @return void
public function clear(): void
$this->head = null;
Node Class
namespace DataStructures;
class Node
public mixed $data;
public Node|null $next;
public Node|null $prev;
public function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
$this->next = null;
$this->prev = null;
* returns the data of the given node
* @return mixed
public function getData(): mixed
return $this->data;
* returns the next node
* @return Node|null
public function getNext(): ?Node
return $this->next;
* returns the previous node
* @return Node|null
public function getPrev(): ?Node
return $this->prev;
* returns true if the node is the end of a list
* @return bool
public function isEnd(): bool
return $this->next === null;
* returns true if the node is the start of a list
* @return bool
public function isStart(): bool
return $this->prev === null;
I used the PHP Artisan Console to run some basic tests on the class above:
>>> $list = new LinkedList();
>>> $list->add(1);
>>> $list->add(2);
>>> $list->add(3);
>>> $list->add(4);
>>> $list->add(5);
>>> $list->toArray();
=> [
>>> $list->delete(6);
>>> $list->deleteAt(0);
>>> $list->toArray();
=> [
>>> $list->toArray();
=> [
Because PHP lets us chain methods, I can call a method getAt()
on $list
and then call data()
on the Node
instance within List
I think this is a good start for a singly linked list! And with the ability to add nodes in places other than the end of the list, this class is behaving more like a Deque, but that will be covered in a later post.